Monday, August 3, 2015

Night furrytopus.
He has gorgeous green , hand painted glass cabochon eyes.
Cute cylinder hat and important monocle with tiny skull.
Eight tentacles with fish tail on one of them.
Made from acrylic , mohair yarns and lot of attitude. 
Filled with polyester toy filling material and fearlessness.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Once upon a time there were a small giveaway fair in one far far away kingdom called Facebookia. And instead of prince who come and rescued a princess there was a girl who get this Nuff for her little daughter Elsa.
Nuff Elsa has a little pendant with two heart shaped moonstone gems,. But she lost it while she take her first walk around the castle..
She tried to find it and luckly she did it just before dark!
Soon Nuff Elsa will go to her first journey to her new home.
Nuff Elsa are one of a kind, because she has a embroidered name ''Elsa'' with flowers and leaves on her chest, so this Nuff will belong only to one girl.
And Nuff Elsa's story are just begining!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ginger love

I prefer to take his soul instead of heart. Heart are just a muscle, which will die with rest of his body.
Soul are infinite. I'm Ginger I steal souls, because I don't have my own.
 Gingers were not created by God or Satan. Even Satan won't claim responsibility for them. I don't have some to loose or sell or corrupt.
It isn't hard to get into someones heart or mind, but it needs real courage to get into other soul, because then You will feel what other feels, and that, my friend, what love mean.

Friday, June 12, 2015

 This is Kice. Our precious fur ball. 
We take her from street, well... almost. Previous owners treat her pretty bad, so we take a short chat and get her to our home. Now she have a place where surely could put a sign-here lives cat and her stuff grin emoticonShe is really communicative with certain people and pretty distanced from strangers. Adore cheese and smoked bacon, and toffees(need them hide very well).Always checking what is in our plate, maybe there is something better then hers. And she patiently sits and gently poke with her fluffy paw to pay attention, and if you ignore her she starts yelling.grin emoticon Oh, and she loves when Emils( my boyfriend) pet her belly, I'm good at scratching and combing, and she don't like when we switch these jobs. She is really patient and never, never hurt us, since she lives with us we never had any cat nail scratch marks. She perfectly understands how to play gently.Time to time, when she is bored she try to catch her tail, and spinning around, around...And she isn't serial killer. She love birds, but she is so white and shinny so she can't hunt them, because she is too noticeable, and she understand that,-after each fail, she goes to some dump and wallow.And yes... comes ''very clean'' and loudly in to house.

She also are very curious. Always goes looking what Emils are doing , and quietly sits nearby and watching with all her cattention (cat+attention) .Same she is doing when I do my thing, but with me she is bit confident. Probably because I mostly sit and its lot more easier and comfy to sneak up on my lap.She is doing her cat things but never miss out to check quality of our jobs, no matter what kind. She take a part even of our photoshoots, she came down with us till pounds, its pretty far from home, but, hey, she needs to know what we'll be doing.

I like to listen bird tweeting and singing. Sometimes there isn't enough out side, so we usin laptop- I listen and Kice watching. No matter on screen or out of window.

What could be better place for short nap than my little grey cardboard studio for my crafts?
Maybe just her fluffy bed.



in emoticon

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I'm Pomegranate Wolf.
Creative redhead with Wolf soul and Shrew spirit.
Each and every item I made are important as single seed in Pomegranate.
As long as I remember myself I'm always creating something, it's in my nature.
No matter of what- is it from fabric, paper, wooden sticks and pine cones... 
I like to visit antique and charity shops to find some charming materials and give them new life.Every single item has it mission- make lot of joy for me to creating it and for You to be beside and warmth Your heart.
Double happiness.